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The Promise of a Righteous King by Pastor Paul Becker

Writer: First Pres BakerstownFirst Pres Bakerstown

This week, we heard Jeremiah’s prophecy of the coming of a Righteous King. This begs the question: Why does Israel need a righteous king?

Israel had a history of breaking the covenant between themselves and God. They broke the covenant by breaking God’s law, contained in the Ten Commandments, and scribed onto two stone tablets. The first tablet had four laws about Israel’s relationship with God. These laws prohibited Israel from trusting and worshipping other gods, making idols to worship, failing to revere God’s holy name, and failing to rest on the last day of the week, just as God did when he created the world. The second tablet prescribed God’s laws for personal and societal morality.  Laws against disrespecting parents, murder, adultery, stealing, lying about another person, or jealously wanting what other people have.

During the time of Jeremiah, Israel was in the depths of spiritual and societal decline.  God’s laws were rejected, as evidenced by widespread thievery, murder, adultery, and lying. The poor and widows were taken advantage of. But of most concern was Israel’s disregard for the first tablet of the Ten Commandments. They forsook trust in God for the worship of idols, especially the god Molech. The highest act of Molech worship was to demonstrate loyalty to him by sacrificing some of their children. Children were put to death by their parents to seek Molech’s favor for the provision of food for the family and protection from physical threats and fears that consumed them with anxiety.

What was the root of Israel’s unfaithfulness to God? Israel was troubled by the Babylonians, who conquered Israel and removed families from their homeland. Through Jeremiah, God assured Israel, saying, 

“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely, do what is right in the land… he will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior.” (Jer 23:5-6)

The prophecy about the Righteous King was offered as evidence of God’s continued love for Israel, even though she behaved like an unfaithful covenant-breaking spouse. God said to Israel,

“But like a woman unfaithful to her husband, so you, Israel, have been unfaithful to me,” declares the Lord. (Jer 3:20)

God promised a Righteous King, and we know him to be Jesus.  How do we know this with certainty?  Jesus, being God in the flesh, is the only person who can be declared sinless and thereby righteous.  No one ever has qualified or will qualify as being righteous without Christ in them.

How is this relevant today? We live in a world marked by lying, thievery, oppression of the poor, and godless pursuit of means that calm our anxieties. We live in a world that sacrifices the lives of children to idols of independence, ease, earthly comfort, and success.

Where do we find hope? Our hope resides in Jesus, the Righteous King. His kingdom advances with every heart that forsakes worldly idols to follow Him in righteousness. This King is a light in a sin-darkened world. Seek Him. Bow to Him. Get up to follow Him. Listen to his words. Talk to him in prayer. Worship him. Be loved by Him and love Him in return. The first step in doing all this is to put your faith in Jesus to align your heart and mind with his!

May this message inspire and uplift those who read it.

It's a great day to live the Gospel!

God willing, we hope to see you on Sundays!


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First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown


5825 Heckert Road #127

Bakerstown, PA 15007

Office hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Worship: Sundays, 10 a.m.

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